K2356 wrote on Nov 5
th, 2013 at 10:42pm:
How much more detail do you need to find your problems?
Kevin what about intermittents?
I like to have as much as I can in a single capture.
Have a look at the 2 pictures below.
There is all the information you need to diagnose this vehicle.
The first one is of a intermittent stall with a 20 second screen with 1us between samples.
The second one is when it stalled out and when zoomed in.
All up was about 30 mins of diag time and found the problem including finding a paper manual for a wiring diagram.
Following a flow chart or a component test would have taken you all over the place and wasted a bunch of time.
As said before the price of a
new Verdict, Modis ultra or a Verus pro costs more than a Pico, laptop and a few factory scanner tools.
Also it is sad that snap on is heading down the track of wireless scopes

K2356 wrote on Nov 5
th, 2013 at 10:42pm:
I would have scoped the sensor before your laptop booted and pico program would have even opened.
Simple solution is to turn the computer on before starting work at the start of the day and your ready to go.