It's not unusual for techs who purchased a PicoScope from another vendor to contact us about subscribing to our famous support and training system for PicoScope automotive but this time was a little different.
Sometimes, it just that they want more than they are getting even though the vendor they were working with was making an honest effort to support the customer. No one else can offer the level of support we do partly because we don't try to support a bunch of different stuff. PicoScope automotive support is what we do.
Other times they just can't get support because the vendor is just unresponsive or doesn't understand the product.
Then there is this quote taken directly from a company web site:
"customers with products older than one year will be charged for technical support per incident."
I purposely left out the US company name.
Hey, not a bad idea. Sell the customer something that requires training and support and then charge them for it. Gee, wish I had thought of that

Here at Autonerdz we are just stoopid when it comes to conventional business strategy. When you give us your support by purchasing a PicoScope kit from us, we don't ask you for more money to provide you with training and support. You support us, we support you. Simple.
We wanted to shame the rest of the industry into doing the same but we have not made too much progress in that endeavor. careful out there and be sure you know what you are getting for your money.
Here at Autonerdz we will still talk to you AFTER we have your money. Weird huh