Hi Ronnie,
Quote:Hope I am not putting you on the spot but what does it offer?Does it build on the Nerd Series or something all together different?
What I have put together are real world techniques from real world case studies that provide the quickest and most accurate results. This would include waveform analysis, scan data interpretation, theory of system operation, and how to use a hammer. Hey, it worked great on GM ECMs for years. Much more of course, but the main thing is critical thinking skills. With experience, knowledge, and the drive to explore and learn, we can develop our own tests. There is no need to be tied to the trouble charts. As Tom would say, "climb over the wall and get the cheese".
Hi Jeff,
Quote:Carl is your training CD available for public sale?
No, not yet. Although I'll never think it is ready for prime time, I may go ahead and release it. The work involved is very time consuming. I enjoy it though, so that makes it all worth while. Hope to have it ready soon.
You got the trial by fire part right. Fortunately, they were a great group. I'm glad they took it easy on me.