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Frustration W/Vibration Situation of Long Duration (Read 20,965 times)
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Re: Frustration W/Vibration Situation of Long Duration
Reply #15 - Oct 8th, 2016 at 5:10am
Logic wrote on Oct 8th, 2016 at 3:49am:
I have just looked at a series of videos you have posted with your list of complaints about your car.

Sure is one sad dirty old neglected car.

Tell me, why would you come to this group of good people seeking to get vibration analysis when you have prepared a series of videos to assist your case on litigation and on that old thing.

I would suggest that you pay for your advice with someone who will go the mile with you....but that advise and the lawyers would cost you far more than the car is worth.

i think it is wrong for you to involve the good people who attend this group with the real agenda you have.

By the way I would mount that rusty old clutch in any car, especially after you have dropped and damaged the disc

OK, you know what? I'm going to pass on the flush of anger I felt when you impugned my character.  The "good people" you speak of have been kind enough to offer me some valuable advice, and I cannot tell you how much I resent your accusing me of disrespecting them.

You have a serious problem with reading comprehension, my South of the equator "friend"

In my initial post, I said: "seanof30306 wrote on Oct 4th, 2016 at 12:04pm:
I'm not going to go into detail over all the problems with the shop. I'm still battling with them, lawyers are involved, and it'll probably be a couple of months before it's resolved. There are two key elements, though:

1) I sent my old clutch back to Centerforce. Their engineer said there was nothing wrong with it. More importantly, he said there were signs the release bearing had been coming into contact with the balancing weights, which suggested an out-of-balance condition. Since the balance on the clutch had checked out perfectly, he said I should look at the flywheel.

2) After much back-and-forth, the transmission guy finally admitted not only had he not had the flywheel balanced, he hadn't had it resurfaced, either. He'd never even taken it off the car.

I chose not to go into detail over my problems with the transmission shop because the car vibrated before they worked on it, and the car still vibrated exactly the same after I got it back from them.  Their $1,260 rebuild of my transmission was garbage, but it clearly had no effect on the vibration I've been experiencing, and therefore had no place in an already complex thread regarding that vibration.

The transmission will have to come back out of the car to correct the damage done to my formerly perfectly-shifting transmission by the people who "rebuilt" it.  That will give me  access to the flywheel, which was not resurfaced and balanced, as contracted and paid for.  Since the flywheel's balance is potentially causal of my engine vibration, I mentioned the transmission shop.

As far as the videos are concerned, I'd like to remind you sir, that I was the one who provided the link to my youtube channel.  While I only directly linked to the video that was relevant to the discussion, the channel is an open one, and anyone is free to look at any, or all of them.

You assertion that I am trying to hide something, or do something that is in any way shady is not only insulting, it is utterly ridiculous.

As far as your insults over my car are concerned, they're simply too infantile to address.

Thanks for your earlier help, sir, but I'd appreciate it if you'd just move on. 
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« Last Edit: Oct 8th, 2016 at 5:39am by seanof30306 »  
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Freshman Member

I'm an Autonerd

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Tulsa, OK, Oklahoma, USA
Tulsa, OK

Re: Frustration W/Vibration Situation of Long Duration
Reply #16 - Oct 8th, 2016 at 5:32am
autosparky wrote on Oct 6th, 2016 at 12:35am:
forgot to also mention cause I may not of read your thread correctly

so you cruise at 60-70mph, shift into neutral and it still shudders, so what  happens when you gently  press the brakes?? is the pedal ok or shudder? what happens when you pull the handbrake slightly?

OK, so I waited till 4am, when the roads would be clear.  There's a 6-lane highway near me they just resurfaced with asphalt, so it is absolutely smooth.

I ran it up till it vibrated about a dozen times, applying varying amounts of brake pedal pressure, and handbrake pressure.  I never felt anything in the pedal, or the handbrake lever, and the application of the brakes had no effect on the vibration.

There has been two hopeful developments.  I'm on, a forum for '82-'92 Camaros and Firebirds.  I started a thread on the vibration there.

One member attached a vibration analysis FAQ that was really illuminating, and gave me some more things to test.  I'm attaching it here.

Another member works for GM in Detroit, and contacted the Field Service Engineer for this area, and had him read the thread to see if he could recommend a tech in the area who was trained on the Picoscope NVH.  The Field Service Engineer recommended a tech, and linked him to the thread.  I'm supposed to contact him next week.

Paying dealership labor rates won't be cheap, but it can't be more expensive then almost randomly throwing parts at the problem, as I have for so long.

The odd thing is, in my initial post about this, I mentioned that I'd gone to the biggest GM dealership in the area, and the service manager had told me they'd had a Picoscope NVH for two years, but no one had been trained on it, and they'd never even opened the box.

Well, that's the dealership the tech I've had recommended to me works at.  I'm just going to hope that dealership is so big the service manager didn't know he had a technician trained on the equipment.

We shall see.

(fingers crossed)
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Rob Walker
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Re: Frustration W/Vibration Situation of Long Duration
Reply #17 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 6:25pm
Not to sideline the thread being about Pico and all. You could search out someone who has a EVA unit(Electronic Vibration Analysis)That's what I used when at GM. Depending on the frequency and amplitude as well as the order of vibrations you may have more than one problem.
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Rob Walker
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Re: Frustration W/Vibration Situation of Long Duration
Reply #18 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 10:40pm
I doubt any of the folk helping used anything like the EVA.
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Donald Bruce Gamble  
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Re: Frustration W/Vibration Situation of Long Duration
Reply #19 - Oct 10th, 2016 at 1:28am
seanof30306 wrote on Oct 6th, 2016 at 3:46pm:
Autosparky, I actually changed driveshafts, and the vibration remained the same .... I had the new (used) aluminum LS1 Camaro driveshaft checked for true and balanced; the vibration was unchanged.

I did read that part, also understand your frustration with this problem, I'm just bouncing ideas for you to try.

The idea of attaching wheel weights is to see if you "add more" or "shift"the vibration.

Also have you altered your ride height??

There is one shop I do work for and he has a special wheel balancer that's done on the car so it takes into account the axles,  brakes, hubs.
A lot of panel shops use him after a bad smash if thing don't get quite straight
I'll try find out what brand machine it is and maybe you can Google this in your area
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