Sorry for the really long post.

Ok here is what Im dealing with. I have a 2000 f350 v10 gas
auto 4x4 xlt truck that I use offroad.
The ABS module took a dirt nap DTC C1185 and I need to bypass it with a signal convertor/emulator.
Ive checked all my fuses, checked the wiring and it all seems to be good.
I would simply replace it however it is and uncommon module being 2 whl abs instead of 4.
There is a hall effect sensor on the rear diff that supposedly produces and pulsing DC signal, then the ABS module converts it to supposedly a square wave signal for the PCM and GEM module then to the speedo and it also has and effect on the shifting in 4L. I have removed the module from the truck and opened it but I cannot inspect the chips as the circuit board is retained by the plug pins. I am going to
desolder and inspect it when my new iron and wick show up.
Ive spoken to the local dealer and he was very helpful and with the info I gave pretty much said it needs replaced.
Can anyone help me determine what exactly the signals are and build a emulator/ bypass etc ?
Thanks in advance for any and all help! - A
This is my module, and my truck.