A couple of options, there is a member map at the top of this site. Find New Jersey and browse through, the members with Pico group might be what you want.
Another option is to use the shop finder on
www.iatn.net there are a lot of good folks there as well.
And if it is a budget issue you might want to try a community college there are several instructors that use Pico scopes.
I suspect your post did not intend to come across harsh but it kind of reads that way. Sadly, most of the people in the automotive field get paid for what they get done, and there is no standards really in the US. So, keep in mind when being asked for a testing fee it is not always a simple find.
With a misfire on cyl 1 and 4 I would be wondering about a wiring issue as well. A local library might be able to allow some basic service information, a good start would be measuring the wires (not ignition) for continuity to the computer and testing to see if there is a short to power or ground.
Also, when was your last T belt? Both Hyiundai and Kia's tend to tear up belts and destroy crank sensors if not serviced at the proper intervals.
Good luck, Sam