Here are some of my general thoughts on this.
If MattF suggested it at one his courses great. I would not have seen it. Not that I have anything against him I think he knows Pico scope stuff pretty well from the times I have talked to him. It is just support is included in the scopes I have picked up from Tom so for me to pay a few hundred dollars for a Pico course does not make sense to me. If he is able to be successful doing Pico courses that is great and I wish him continued success. One of these days I want to meet him in person at Vision. Sadly this year is not looking good for me making it.
Concerning "Picogap" or time between screens it is both present and not present. If the capture time is contained in one buffer/window there is no gap. The issue arises when a shorter time base is used recording multiple buffers/ screens. What also tends to make it worse is running no trigger and using a PC with low memory/ specs.
It is also crippling using longer time bases with high requested samples. The amount of time between screens on a low memory PC can be staggering.
I am doing some testing to evaluate the change in performance of memory on the amount of time between screens. I do not have enough data yet to post results. The setup I am using is a wall outlet timer connected to a AC powered DC power supply operating a headlamp. The minimum amount of on time is one minute so that is the time benchmark I am using. The testing I am doing is set with no trigger and max requested samples on a 4423 operating all 4 channels.
To illustrate Tom/Carl's point at 10s/div the entire capture of on and off is recorded with no gaps.
On the other hand running a time base less than 10s/div has gaps between screens.
I have experienced faults falling between screens and it is frustrating but until I have a PC with very good specs I can not completely condemn the software for the fault.
I would also mention the "bells and whistles"/ software features it is important to remember how much Pico Scope 6 (previously Pico 5) software has evolved and that is without taking into consideration of the Pico Diagnostic software suite that is included. Advanced triggers, reference waveforms, math channels alarms and probably other things I am forgetting that each adds overall to the software.
I do miss the merge feature that went by the wayside and I keep dreaming that there could be a superimposed or raster ignition abilities. Although I guess using persistence kind of allows for superimposed, well kind of sort of.
OK, enough rambling for now
