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General Public Area >> Introductions >> Howdy Message started by Intermittent on Sep 9th, 2022 at 8:07pm |
Title: Howdy Post by Intermittent on Sep 9th, 2022 at 8:07pm
Howdy from Texas. I am a mechanic at a major Freightliner in Texas and work and specialize on engines and electrical diag. I work on 90% Cummins, CNG, and have done some DD stuff. I got a 2204a picoscope at the beginning of last month. I was intruiged by the serial decoder and recently decoded my first CAN frame off an ISX15 CM2350 J1939. Really great on seeing how modules communicate on the CAN and learning PGN vs SPN. With that I had to learn how to convert hexidecimal to decimal with the J19139 resolution scale and offset. I first went did some injectors on an ISB6.7l CM2350 with the 2204a with 20:1 attenuators. I can't wait to get my hands on a 4425a. I hope to learn from this forum and will look at this as a privilege to be able to communicate with like minded individuals. I hope I will be of some use on this forum. |
Title: Re: Howdy Post by TrevorSchlientz on Sep 12th, 2022 at 6:29am
Hello there, and welcome to the forums.
Congratulations on starting your Picoscope journey. It sounds like you're diving right in. If you feel like putting up your captures and starting discussions on your findings, feel free to do so. I am sure some of the other HD/Diesel techs would enjoy it. |
Title: Re: Howdy Post by RtOne on Sep 22nd, 2022 at 1:02pm
Man you hit the ground on the run! That is really great. Welcome to the group.
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